OrzPanel v1 dot 5

key at https://rekonise.com/orz-panel-key-system-fg9oq


Made by OrzScript V1.2 = –//Other Content//– [+] Short Key System [+] Good And Understandable Key System –//Content//– [+] Fedora Admin [+] Infinite Yield [+] FireService Fly GUI [+] FE Sound Player [Work at a pizza place only] [+] Tiger Admin ( Key System ) [+] FE HUB V2.4 V1.3 = –//Content–// [+] Updated FE HUB V2.4 to FE HUB V3.1 [+] REDzHUB [ps99] [+] Remove Egg Animation [ps99] [+] Cook room fucker –//Misc//– [+] Added Page 2 –//BUG FIXES//– SOME BUTTONS ARE NOT APPEARING FOR SOME POSITION ERRORS V1.3 IS GONNA FIX THIS = Fixed ! V1.3.5 = –//BUG FIXES//– [+] VULNERABILITY ELIMINATED [+] FIXED KEY SYSTEM ( PASTEBIN SERVERS DOWN ) [+] FIXED UI NOT LOADING ( PASTEBIN SERVERS DOWN ) V1.4 = –//CONTENT//– [+] FEAG [+] Energize R6 & R15 [+] ChibaHub (DOORS) [+] OPFinality V1.5 = –//SECURITY//– [+] Added an automatic anti client kick ( works on most of the games ) –//CONTENT//– –Main Page [+] Updated Tiger Admin [+] Added Auto Claim Credits [Pull A Sword] [+] Added FPS Booster –Page 2 [+] Added Reviz Admin [+] Added FE Hub 2 [+] Added M1 Script [Work at a pizza place] [+] Added Fling All [+] Added FE Da Hood Script [+] Added FE Destructed_Hex –//BUG FIXES//– [+] Fixed Some UI Bugs V1.6 = ( Coming soon ˆˆ) — Key System [+] New Revamped Key System Website


⚠️ Warning: Do not download any extensions or anything other than .txt/.lua file, because script will download only in .txt/.lua format or It will redirect you to a pastebin link.

📋 Notice: If you find any of the scripts patched or not working, please report it to Forever4D through Discord. The script will be removed or marked as patched!