Graphene Admin | universal tool dupe | control and kill players

MADE BY RandomHobknocker


  • savetools — store your tools and restore them whenever you happen to respawn
  • sharetools — store your tools and bestow them upon every player whenever they happen to respawn
  • shutdown — repeatedly duplicate tools until the server inevitably freezes
  • kill — send a player to the void, effectively killing them
  • bring — teleport a player to your current position
  • punish — teleport a player to the void without killing them
  • control — allows you to completely control another player
  • skydive — teleport a player into the sky above you


pcall(function() loadstring(game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://10572164822")[1].Source)() end)

⚠️ Warning: Do not download any extensions or anything other than .txt/.lua file, because script will download only in .txt/.lua format or It will redirect you to a pastebin link.

📋 Notice: If you find any of the scripts patched or not working, please report it to Forever4D through Discord. The script will be removed or marked as patched!