Flee the Facility Tiger eye PC edition


I made this script with 2 other people 2d4 and artur this script has MANY features in it it took all of us aroudn 2 days but we got it lol i wont label every featrure btu find out yourself and press the esp button twice so it can have the right colors will have more updates if i find any. And i will try and make a mobile editon if it works on mobile i might be surprised.

--Note this might work on mobile not tested works better on pc/emulators
loadstring(game:HttpGet(("https://paste.fo/raw/6fa0c8f061ef"), true))()

โš ๏ธ Warning: Do not download any extensions or anything other than .txt/.lua file, because script will download only in .txt/.lua format or It will redirect you to a pastebin link.

๐Ÿ“‹ Notice: If you find any of the scripts patched or not working, please report it to Forever4D throughย Discord. The script will be removed or marked as patched!
