Break In (Story) Zephyr Breeak


—Lobby— Get Free Swat & Police —Game— BeFriend The Cat Get All Items you want Speed JumpPower Fov God Mode Etc…

--Made By Zephyr
local kavoUi = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local window = kavoUi.CreateLib("Zephyr | Break In Chooser","DarkTheme")


local Tab1 = window:NewTab("Main")
local Tab1Section = Tab1:NewSection("Main")


Tab1Section:NewButton("Lobby","Executed Lobby Script",function()

Tab1Section:NewButton("Break In","Execute Game Script",function()

⚠️ Warning: Do not download any extensions or anything other than .txt/.lua file, because script will download only in .txt/.lua format or It will redirect you to a pastebin link.

📋 Notice: If you find any of the scripts patched or not working, please report it to Forever4D through Discord. The script will be removed or marked as patched!