MADE BY Flambo
- Auto Team
- Auto Eat Fruit
- Auto Store Fruit
- Continue To Hop Servers After Storing Fruit
- Webhook Notification
- Unpick Fruits Detect
- Undetectable
- Put the script in the Auto Execute folder and enable Auto Attach
Settings = {
AutoTeam = "Marines", -- Pirates or Marines
AutoEat = false, -- true or false
AutoStore = true, -- true or false
ContinueHopAfterStoredFruit = true, -- true or false
WebhookURL = "", --Put your webhook links in here
WebhookPingEveryone = true, -- true or false
WantedFruits = {
"Kilo Fruit",
"Spin Fruit",
"Chop Fruit",
"Spring Fruit",
"Bomb Fruit",
"Smoke Fruit",
"Spike Fruit",
"Flame Fruit",
"Falcon Fruit",
"Ice Fruit",
"Sand Fruit",
"Dark Fruit",
"Revive Fruit",
"Diamond Fruit",
"Light Fruit",
"Love Fruit",
"Rubber Fruit",
"Barrier Fruit",
"Magma Fruit",
"Door Fruit",
"Quake Fruit",
"Buddha Fruit",
"String Fruit",
"Phoenix Fruit",
"Rumble Fruit",
"Paw Fruit",
"Gravity Fruit",
"Dough Fruit",
"Shadow Fruit",
"Venom Fruit",
"Control Fruit",
"Soul Fruit",
"Dragon Fruit",
"Leopard Fruit"
--List of fruits, delete fruits that you don't want